Monday, November 17, 2008

One class down!

I finished my Personal Finance class last night!! I stayed up for a long time studying and decided to just take the plunge and take the test. I probably could have done better but I got an 84 and so I tried to figure out my whole grade. Unless I did really bad on my final project, which I don't think that I did, my grade right now is a 95. I feel that is pretty satisfactory. I need to finish up my fitness journal for my PE class and I will have that done too. English, Music, Ed Linguistics, and
Communications disorders are all that are left. There is an end in sight!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Happy birthday to you!!!!!!

Just a little note to wish Kalli a Happy Happy Happy Birthday. She is cute and fun which she herself will tell you, she loves her family, has an opinion about stuff, has lots of great clothes and shoes (which I eventually benefit greatly from!!!), and she has a big heart. She was always willing to help with my kids when they were younger, she did lots for Gabe when we lived with the family and Kalli was still home, she even watched good 'ol Zack so we could go to a football game.

Thank you for being a good Aunt and for sharing your fun self with us occasionally. I love you and hope you have great birthday!!!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Why do I post?

So my sister-in-law Kalli told me I should start blogging and everybody gives me crap about not updating!!!! Hello is anyone out there? Now I have been updating and I can't even get a comment. I am sad that no one follows this, no one thinks about us during the day and no one really cares!!!! It seems so ridiculous to write to that that is over....... I finished my teaching for my music class today and am grateful to have that done.

I have 2 quizzes and 2 tests left in my finance class, I am done with PE, almost done with music, have 3 classes left in English and one HELLA huge research project left, a final research project in my Educational Linguistics class and a powerpoint presentation, a huge final research and interview project of a preschool child for my Language disorders class and 1 test....................even with all of this I can almost breathe a sigh of relief because this semester is over in 3 and 1/2 weeks. AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am overly excited that my family is coming for Thanksgiving!!!! I haven't seen them in awhile and I am glad that they will be here for 4 whole days. My life really is good and I thank God that I have a husband who loves me and my family and he works hard, hard, hard, and I have 3 beautimous chillens that are healthy and strong. GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME!!!! I have to remind myself sometimes that I have more good in my life than bad.

Sorry for the venting but I just always feel like I am writing to myself and I am starting to wonder if there is a point to it all. Love to all.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Good times were had by all

Here's a few more from Pittsburgh


So I got to go to the Burg for the first time in like 4 years I think!! It was super fun with our friends and we got to see our cutie little nephew for a few minutes (laugh at the pic it is okay), we were dumb and didn't get any pics of my cute little sister in law Sarah or Brett (except on the field). Much to Connie's dismay I am sure, we failed to bring back Kodak moments of our few minutes together. Sorry Connick!!

What a greatly needed vacation this was and we lived it up. I ate a sandwich there where they put the coleslaw and fries and everything on it so all you had to do was shovel it. Who needs a fork!! Thanks to my friends and Brett and Sarah for hooking us up and making it great!!

Enjoy the few photos I got.