Sunday, December 21, 2008

blah blah blah

I'm sure this is how you fellow bloggers feel when i talk about grades. I just have one left to announce and it is an A- in Ed. Ling.....I can't believe I just got straight A's..........sorry I had to bask in the glory for a minute!!! Just kidding. I guess I am a supermom (hence the blog name). Just kidding again. Okay enough about me, I am waiting for Chadliwinks to get home from helping his buddy Nate with his cows. They have been moving them around all morning and we need to leave to go to Connie's to eat. She was ready 20 minutes ago and here I still sit. Speak of the devil, he just pulled up to the house. Okay I will fill you in later on the prime rib dinner.... ta ta for now.

Monday, December 15, 2008

i'm a freak, i know

So i am totally a freak because i have been checking the usu website probably 12 times a day hoping to see my other grades but have not had any luck. But i just checked it 2 minutes ago and i got an A in English!!!!!!!! I am so excited. I am hoping i pulled at least a B in my Educational linguistics class and my semester will be complete!! 5 A's are pretty satisfactory and I am so glad. THANK YOU GOD because I know that this accomplishment is not from my own doing but yours.

Elf Yourself

Make sure to scroll down to the bottom of my page and check out our "Elf Yourself" it is funny!!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Fun times when you are little

Dear Santa Letter from Zack and Abby. All I want for Christmas is for people to know God's love and to have a good time with family!! Love to you all.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

almost done!!

So I would say the semester is progressing nicely since the last class is on Wednesday!!! AMEN!!!! I have a final in my Communications Disorder class and have to write a 2500 word paper and power point slides for my final project in Educational Linquistics. Pray, pray and pray for me to finish these in a timely manner. Thanks for all the kind words of encouragement. So far in my other four classes I have 'A's, I know that I am amazing. Haha just kidding. I am looking forward to going home for a few days around Christmas and we will have lots of fun and good food and that is what is getting me through right now.

I hope that all of you are doing well. Sorry Jen O. that Steve is sick, I will bring chicken noodle soup and I will make a double batch since Jen Y. is having surgery on Tuesday. Hope that if you need anything that you will call and let me know. Love to you all.