Thursday, June 11, 2009

A Little Help Here

So I want to plan something fun for Chad and I for our 11th anniversary and have it be a surprise. I am desperately needing ideas for this and was hoping that people could give me some ideas. I am definitely on a budget and don't have a credit card so we have to be creative!! Kalli, I thought maybe you could give me some info on the place that you stayed at in Midway? I don't know if that is right but you know what I am talking about. Thanks everyone. Maybe people will actually post if I am asking a question. My next awesome post will be of Abby's Luau party that we are having at my house tomorrow. I can't believe that she will be six on Sunday....time flies!! I have some people from our church that are going to come and dance for the party and I have some fab recipes that I found to do the meat!! Thanks Tyrone for lining up the excited. They did great at the Luau last year when I saw them.. Still trying to locate some more decorations and music. Got to go...lots of work to do today to get ready for tomorrow!!!