Tuesday, January 27, 2009

So I was pretty bumbed when all of our friends decided to go to Mexico and Chad said that he really didn't want to go. I joked and said that maybe if there was a game on the other end of the trip that maybe we could go somewhere. Haha and here we are getting ready to go to Florida and you know that it is because the greatest game of the year is on the other end. I don't care though... it will be so fun and we never get to go anywhere with Chad's parents so it should be fun. I am looking forward to sunshine and sand and seeing family and friends. I won't have to wait for spring break after all. If I can survive tonight and tomorrow, I will be fine. Tomorrow is Gabe's tenth birthday and I have class but we celebrated on Saturday by taking him to a Jazz game and to the Chuck-a-rama. I got off easy with dinner and I swear, the chuck, was his choice. Funny, Huh?

Anyway the game was great and a good time was had by all and now we get to go play for a couple of days. It works out really well with my classes as long as I have some time to do homework, which is when the plane time will come in handy.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sorry I haven't been posting

I have been feeling like I don't have much to post about even though I run from the time I get up until the time I actually get to get in my bed for a few hours. There has been a lot happening in our house in the last couple weeks.

I have been doing my practicum teaching in Zack's class. It has been so fun and the teacher has asked me to sub in her class on Tuesday this week and it will be my first time ever!!! So exciting. I am barely keeping up with classes but so far have turned everything in on time so I guess I am doing okay!!

Chad and the kids are troopers and have been pitching in a lot to keep the house running and doing well with it. Chad is coaching Gabe's bball team and we have been having fun together playing basketball with the kid's team and they are all doing really well.

My friend Deanna has been taking Abby everyday and Abby seems just fine with this because she has 2 little girls at home during the day for her to play with.

We have been following the Steelers and their football and are lucky enough to be able to be with Brett and Sarah as their little family and team heads to the Super Bowl in Tampa, FL. Chad and I started talking about the possibility of me just going with him and having a fun little vacation and then my sister-in-laws decided the timing just wasn't right for them and I was blessed to be the one getting a call to see if I would like to go. I had to think about it........um, okay!!! Yeah right, I went through the roof but was sad that everyone would not be there. I am very excited and very grateful at the same time.

We leave Thurs and will be gone until Monday. My cutie little friend Randee Miller is going to watch the kids. So be praying for her survival :) Just kidding, she seems really excited to help out though so I hope all goes well.

When I get back I will post photos of the SUPER BOWL!!!!!!!!!! Love to you all and hope that you are well.

Friday, January 9, 2009


my life sucketh again for another semester. yeah for me :) anybody else having the blahs? I did have a super Christmas and holiday season but now have crashed into the realization that I don't get another break until March. boohoo...... anyway life is good.....classes are going to be bad. I must start my practicum teaching, mind you that nobody informed me that you must work full-time for 15 days in one school and fifteen days in a different school, so I start on Monday and my lovey friend Deanna is going to watch Abby every morning for me until she has to take her to school. I am excited but it would have been nice to have a heads up!!